The Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training (CAMET) is delighted to sponsor the 4th annual Atlantic Canada Career Week running from November 4-8, 2019. This year, the emphasis of the career week is on experiential learning which provides opportunities for students in schools, universities, and community colleges to learn from various experiences and participate in the learning process.
This website encourages students, educators, families and communities to use the specific examples and activities contained in this website to support career education in Atlantic Canada.
The activities under Create Your Own Future are intended to promote and support career development using a whole school approach as an integral component of student learning, including age-appropriate career activities to support public school students in their specific grade level and assist post-secondary education students in their career development pathways.
The activities under Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship are intended to promote personal growth and empowerment with opportunities for students to create a connection between themselves, their interests and strengths within an entrepreneurial mindset.
Students in schools, universities, and community colleges will have new opportunities to strengthen real-life and work experiences by discovering experiential learning practices and exemplars that students can use to explore and plan career options.